December 24, 1996. The day the world fell apart for Koby Leon. A soldier in the “Egoz” Special Operations Unit serving in Southern Lebanon, Koby was hit by an explosive device and critically wounded. He was paralyzed from the upper torso down the length of his body.

Today, thanks to his rehabilitation at Beit Halochem, Koby is independent, has traveled the world, and works as a computer programmer in Tel Aviv, where he lives with his wife and two children.

Koby had always been active in sports and, soon after taking up hand-bike riding, he started to race competitively. With the help of coaches from Beit Halochem and a great investment of time and intensive training, Koby competed in local and international tournaments. And then – the unbelievable win! Koby Leon captured the silver medal for hand-bike riding at the 2012 London Paralympics!

Koby has participated in several Courage in Motion rides.